N.A.S.C. Lunch and Learn Series-The Case of the Wild Onions: The Impact of Ramps on Cherokee Rights
USC-Lancaster Native American Studies Center 119 South Main Street, Lancaster, South Carolina 29720
Free lecture on Friday, March 21, 2014 at 12p.m. at the USC-Lancaster Native American Studies Center located at 119 S. Main Street, Lancaster, SC 29720. Dr. Courtney Lewis will give the lecture. “In the spring of 2009, four men were charged with illegally harvesting ramps (a form of wild onion) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park of North Carolina. Although this may seem a trivial charge, the case would transcend its modest beginnings to become a story about mislabeled national boundaries and the rights of indigenous peoples to continue practicing millennia old traditions.” This event is free and open to the public. Participants are invited to bring a bag lunch. Please direct any questions or comments regarding the series to Brent Burgin at 803-313-7063 or wbburgin@sc.edu. Mr. Burgin welcomes suggestions and ideas for future talks and speakers.