As children, most of us were taught to turn off the TV when leaving the room in order to save energy. But with many of today’s televisions, “off” doesn’t really mean off any more.
Many TVs, DVD players, DVRs and cable or satellite boxes—not to mention computers, printers and phone chargers—consume small amounts of electricity even when they aren’t in use. These devices are commonly referred to as “energy vampires,” and they can be responsible for between 5 percent and 8 percent of a home’s annual energy bill.
One easy way to manage this small, but steady, power drain is to use a smart strip with your home entertainment center.
Smart strips feature three outlet colors. Red outlets are always energized, making them perfect for satellite boxes or other appliances that need uninterrupted electricity to maintain programmed settings. The blue outlet serves as a control plug and is ideal for devices like a TV or computer.
The remaining outlets, generally neutral or green in color, are sensitive to current flowing through the blue outlet, so turning off the TV or computer cuts power to them as well. Some smart strips can be made even smarter with timers or occupancy sensors that determine when to cut power to various devices.
Smart strips are available online or at specialty electronic retailers. Payback generally can be achieved in less than one year, depending on the type of equipment the strips control and how often they are used.