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Dragon boat race participants toss carnations in the river as a tribute to those who have battled cancer.
Photo by Mic Smith
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For Kathy Haas, dragon boating is all about fun and freedom.
Photo by Mic Smith
A traditional carnation ceremony was part of the dragon boat race day organized by DragonBoat Beaufort at the Beaufort Water Festival on July 20, 2013. Participants tossed carnations in the river as a tribute to those who have battled cancer. As carnations were handed out to all who had gathered on the waterfront, DBB member and cancer survivor Kathy Haas shared her own poignant story of how dragon boat racing has changed her life.
Hello, everyone. I am Kathy Haas, and on behalf of DragonBoat Beaufort, I would like to welcome you to our carnation ceremony. I have been asked to share my dragon boat experience with you and tell you why I feel this has been one of the best parts of my very senior life.
I am a Sun City resident, a two-year survivor of stage-three breast cancer and, like so many of us here today, very thankful to be a part of the emotional healing and team experience that this sport affords each and every one of us.
On the water, survivors and supporters never think of what has been or, for that matter, what might lie ahead. We simply live the moment, give in to the beauty around us and feel free—free of fears, free of treatments, free of bald heads, free of age limitations, free to exercise and build up our strength—just plain free to enjoy life and the undeniable bonds of dragon boat friendship and free to support those struggling with the physical and mental wraths of this dread disease. It’s a win-win—you feel better, and hopefully those you help see a little break in the clouds.
To me, DragonBoat Beaufort is well worth the 40-mile round trip from Sun City for practice twice a week, well worth the few aches and pains after a good paddle (at my age, they come anyway), well worth the effort for this festival, and by far the best activity I am involved in. My husband thinks so, too. Gifts that sparkle have suddenly been replaced by a fiber paddle, waterproof clothing and deck shoes. DragonBoat Beaufort is a life change, to say the least!
From all of us to all of you, thank you for your amazing support, and feel free to join us for your own wonderful experience!
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