From Traditional Lacrosse to Olympians: How Native American Athletes Have Made Their Historical Mark
USC-Lancaster Native American Studies Center 119 South Main Street, Lancaster, South Carolina 29720
Beginning with lacrosse, a game that the Haudenosaunee first introduced generations ago, Native American athletes have long been present in the world of sports.
Many people may have heard the names Billy Mills, the Oglala Lakota gold medalist in track and field or Jim Thorpe, Sac and Fox, who was a professional football and baseball player as well as a gold-winning Olympic medalist. But many people may not realize that many sports athletes in the past century have been professional athletes in the NHL, NFL, NBA, PGA, Professional Lacrosse, the Olympics, the Super Bowl and much more.
Join the discussion with author, journalist and public speaker, Vincent Schilling, an Akwesasne Mohawk and founder and editor of the popular Native News site, Native Viewpoint. Schilling's history in the field of Native American sports includes his work as a former sports editor for ICT, formerly known as Indian Country Today, as well as the author of the book, Native Athletes in Action.