While Away the Winter: Living History Saturdays
Historic Brattonsville 1444 Brattonsville Road, McConnells, South Carolina 29726
Period-dressed interpreters at Historic Brattonsville demonstrate how people living in the Carolina Piedmont spent their time during the cold winter months. Living History Saturdays in January, held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., will warm your hearts with indoor and outdoor activities of the 19th century.
Head out to the blacksmith’s forge, explore the wooly world of traditional fiber arts, salt and preserve some pork for year-round provisions, make soap out of rendered lard and how about a bit of dancing? There’s a lot to be done on the 800-acre site in the winter months, including farm and tool repairs, yarn to spin and weave, foodways to secure and social connections to keep up.
Jan. 4: “Working Outside”
- 2 p.m.—general site tour
- Woodworking
- Blacksmithing
Jan. 11: “Staying Inside”
- 2 p.m.—general site tour
- Spinning
- Weaving
- Tool repair
Jan. 18: “Everything but the Oink”
- 2 p.m.—general site tour
- Salting and preserving pork
- 19th century cooking with “offal” (organ meats)
- Making soap
Jan. 25: “Cold Hands, Warm Hearts”
- 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.—dancing demonstration
- 2 p.m.—general site tour
- Quilting
- Shelling corn
Admission: Adults $8; Seniors $7; Youth $5; Free for CHM members and children under the age of three.