"Mary Shelley" Show - Chautauqua History Comes Alive Festival
Centre Stage 501 River Street, Greenville, South Carolina 29601
Mary Shelley, portrayed by Susan Marie Frontczak. Mary Shelley’s groundbreaking novel Frankenstein, poses the question: What if someone discovered the secret to creating life? It then explores the ramification of such a discovery: Are we capable of managing our technological creations? Furthermore, what responsibility (if any) do we hold in caring for abandoned or wronged members of society?
Shelley raises these questions from a context of living much of her life as an outsider – learning early on that her mother challenged societal norms and that she died as a result of Mary’s birth, at odds with a stepmother who
Free admission. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Come early to get a seat. Doors open at 11:00 am.
ASL interpreted show.