Laser Beams and Old Maps
USC-Lancaster Native American Studies Center 119 South Main Street, Lancaster, South Carolina 29720
“Laser Beams and Old Maps: Searching Remotely for Archaeology Under Lake Wateree” will be presented by James D. Scurry, NASC Research Affiliate and Christopher Judge, USC Lancaster Instructor of Anthropology and Archaeology.
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), is a remote sensing technology that uses laser light to measure elevations and accurately define the surface of the ground even in highly vegetated conditions. It has been used in Europe and in Central and South America to identify structures and features obscured by trees or agricultural crops. The drawdown of Lake Wateree by Duke Energy provided an excellent opportunity to employ LiDAR to locate potential earthworks, structures and other landform features obscured by the lake since the 1920s.
Presented in person and virtually.